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How To Close Off Sessions And Make Them Unbookable


  • You are an existing Enrolmy user

  • You have an activity live and taking bookings

  • You have a specific session that has taken bookings but now needs to be closed off

This document assumes the following:

You may have a specific session whereby it is only available for a specific amount of time. This could be due to:

  1. Discounted rate

  2. Full-term booking

  3. You do not want to take any further bookings for this session

How to make this change within your activity settings

  1. Select Edit Activity

  2. Scroll down to Sessions and Costs

  3. Select the padlock on the session you wish to close

What this will look like on the booking form

The session will appear as crossed out and will not be bookable at all by your customers:

Congratulations! You now know how to make a session unbookable!

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