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How To Reconcile Bank Transactions - Using Enrolmy + Other System


  1. You want to reconcile customer payments against invoices using Enrolmy

  2. You utilise any of the following to handle your financials: MYOB, Kamar, Etap or Personal Bank Account

This document assumes the following:

  • You have customer payments inside your bank account that need to be reconciled against invoices

Reconciling Payments Against Invoices in Enrolmy

You can add a singular payment to an invoice in Enrolmy or reconcile in bulk.

Reconciling A Singular Payment

  1. Head to the Money Tab and open the invoice you wish to reconcile a payment against

  2. Scroll to the Recieve A Payment section at the bottom of the invoice

  3. If necessary, adjust the Amount Paid field, Date Paid, Payment Method drop-down, Reference, and Particulars to reflect your payment information

  4. Select the tickbox to send a payment receipt to the bill-payers and select Add Payment

  5. The invoice will now be marked off with a part payment or fully paid

Reconciling Payments In Bulk

  1. Head to the Money Tab and select all invoices you want to reconcile part or full payments against

  2. Select '+ more' and then Recieve Payment'

  3. If necessary, adjust the date deposited field, payment method drop-down, reference, and amount field to reflect your payment information

  4. Select the tickbox to send a payment receipt to the bill-payers and select Receive Payment

  5. The invoices will now be marked off with a part payment or as fully paid

How to Export Invoice Detail for Accounting Software Import

  1. Inside Enrolmy, navigate to the Money tab, and the Awaiting Payment section

  2. Use the filters button to search for invoices within a specific date range

  3. Use the tickboxes to multi-select invoices

  4. Select "+More' and then Export to CSV

  5. Choose to export a Basic or Full Invoice Summary

  6. Select the drop-down field to choose your export format for Enrolmy, Xero, MYOB or MYOB Accountright

  7. Import your CSV into your organisation's Accounting Software

Great! You can now reconcile Bank Transactions!

Last updated:



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