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Manual Waitlist Email Notifications - Attendance to Waitlist


  1. You want to know how to move attendees from Attendance to Waitlist

  2. You want to know how you can send manual waitlist notifications to parents when a child is moved from the Attendance to Waitlist

This document assumes you know the following:

Moving Attendees to Waitlist

If You Are Invoicing in Arrears

If you are invoicing in arrears - you will have two options:

  • Move ONLY ONE session to the waitlist by using "Move to Waiting List" and save changes.

  • Move the child into the waitlist for all future sessions by selecting the grey Future Dates tag which will allow you to "change all future bookings to Waitlist also".

The Future Dates tag will turn in Green if you have chosen this option.

If You Are Invoicing in Advance

Please select Move to Waiting List option and the booking will be waitlisted which will create pending adjustments.

How To Send Waitlist Notifications To Parents

When an attendee is moved from the attendance to the waitlist for the day - Enrolmy does not automatically send an email notification to the parent/caregiver of that attendee. You will need to send this notification yourself. We recommend the process below.

  1. Create a personal email template - How To Create Personal Email Template

  2. Move a child from the attendance to the waitlist for the day

  3. Head to all attendees or book in the list and using the tickbox, select the customer that you would like to send a notification to. 

  4. Select Email

  5. Choose your waitlist notification email template, input the date of the child's specific booking change that you made then Send it to Queue. 

Great! An email notification will be sent to the parent regarding the change to the waitlist.

Please note the below:

When an attendee is moved from the waitlist to the attendance, Enrolmy offers an automated notification functionality described here.

Congratulations! You now know how to move attendees from Attendance to Waitist and Manual Waitlist Email Notifications work if a child is moved onto the Waitlist!

Last updated:

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