Account Change History - Tracking Changes
You need to track and see what changes have been made to customer accounts
You want to know if a customer or staff member made the change
This document assumes the following:
You have active accounts that have had some changes made to them
You know how to access these accounts in the Customers Tab
Tracking Account Changes
At the top of every customer’s profile is a section summarising any recent changes made to the information on the account.
The purpose of this feature is to provide visibility, accountability, and security over the data of the children in your care.
This makes it easy to see what information, such as phone numbers or addresses, has changed and when.
How To Find Account Changes
Head into the Customers tab and select a particular account
Most recent changes are available at the top of the account that you are viewing:
For specific information pieces within an account, there is a view history button which enables you to view the modifications:
Awesome! You now know how to view and track account change history.
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