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The Full Attendance Report


  1. You want to know how to find a report of all booked and attended numbers across your activities

  2. You want to understand what the Full attendance report shows

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have current or concluded activities 

Full Attendance Report Location

1. Within the Activities Menu, select the blue +

2. Select Full Attendance Report

Full Attendance Report Explained

Report Feature


Booked versus Remaining Places

Max. Places

Attendee limit for that activity

Booked Places

How many attendees are booked to attend that activity

Waiting List

How many attendees are currently on your waiting list

Remaining Places

How many spaces are available to still be booked



How many attendees were booked prior to the day


These are attendees who did not have bookings prior to the day, but were added to the attendance on the mobile or desktop applications

Remained Waiting

How many attendees remained on the waitlist after the day

All Registered

How many attendees are booked and on the waiting list

Attended / Absent / Charged

Absent (total)

How many attendees were marked as absent

Absent (no charge)

How my attendees were marked as absent with no charge

Absent (charged)

How my attendees were marked as absent with a charge

Attendee (charged)

How many attendees were charged for that day

Charged sessions

How many sessions were charged

Different filters can be used to view different aspects of this report:

  • By Term Period

  • By Date selection

  • By Activity Session, Activity, Venue or Category

  • By Day, Week or Month

  • By Activity Types i.e. Holiday Programmes or Before and After School Care

  • By Venue i.e. Goat Island or ABC Hall

Please note: There is the ability to export the attendance data as a CSV.

Last Update:  

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