Adding Attendees To Classes and Lessons Activity
You need to manually add attendees to your Classes and Lessons Activity
You need to manually add Additional Items for an an attendee within the Classes and Lessons Activity
This document assumes the following:
You have a pre-existing Lessons and Classes activity setup
The person you wish to add to the activity is already in your Enrolmy CRM
Here Are The Options You Can Choose When Adding
When adding attendees to a Classes and Lessons activity (creating a new booking), you have a number of options. Before we dive into the process it's good to know the options available.
These options are:
Book into all sessions - a standard booking where the customer is booked into every session in that Activity.
Pro-rata booking - a booking where the customer is booked in from a selected session onwards.
Book one session - lets you book the customer into one session only.
Free trial booking (if free trials are enabled).
Waiting list booking
Here's The Process
The steps to add attendees to an activity are as follows:
Navigate to the Booked In section of your activity.
Click the Add Attendees to Activity button.
3. Use the filters along the top to if needed, manually search for a customer or scroll down and look for the customer.
4. Select the option you require at the bottom of the page.
5. Select Additional Items (if required)
6. Select the email confirmation tickbox if you require confirmation to be sent to the attendees.
7. Click the Add Attendees button on the bottom right-hand side of the page.
8. The selected attendees will be added to the sessions you selected in step 4.
Awesome! You now know how to add Attendees to your Classes and Lessons Activities!
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