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Age Breakdown Report


  1. You want to generate a report about the age distribution of participants enrolled in the activities.

  2. You want to understand the demographic composition of the attendees more effectively.

This document assumes the following

  1. You are one of the head administrators of your Enrolmy Account

  2. You have run/are running activities on Enrolmy of different age ranges

This report will be available to all providers. This report will help you identify the most popular groups attending your programmes. With this information:

  • You can plan more age-specific or developmentally appropriate activities and improve your booking rate;

  • Know which age groups and families to target for promotions; and

  • Plan resources and staffing accordingly to meet age-specific activity needs.

How To Generate Age Breakdown Report

  1. Click on the Insight Tab

  2. Select Age Breakdown from the drop down

  3. Filter your customer data according to what you want to export

    1. Filter by venue

    2. Filter by activity type

    3. Filter by year and exact date.

    4. Filter what column to show when you export the file.

  1. Export your data

Files can be exported via CSV or Excel. If you are an Enterprise customer, you will have the option to export the data/file separately for each instance.

Congratulations! You now know how to generate and export Age Breakdown report from Enrolmy

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