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Booking Trends Report


  1. You want to see when your customers are booking into your activities.

This document assumes the following

  • You have an Office Admin or Office Support user-level access on your Enrolmy instance.

  • You have run or are running activities.

About The Booking Trends Report

  • This is an advanced report. All providers can access this with a limited view. Full access is provided with the purchase of the add-on.

  • This report provides an insight of your customer booking trends, to provide the data to create a pricing strategy or marketing campaign to drive earlier bookings.

Generate The Booking Trends Report

Select Insights and choose Full Attendance

Select the drop down and select Booking Trends

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You can choose the below quick reports:

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If not using a quick filter:

Choose the organisations you want to generate the data for.

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Select the venues you want to generate the data for.

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Toggle the date range, activity type, select the filter columns you wish to show and when you’re ready to generate the report, select Search.

Understand The Booking Trends Report

See an example of a generated Booking Trends Report below.

Report Column Explanation

Get an explanation of key reporting features and what this means below.

Report Column


Total New Bookings

Total bookings made

Unique Attendees Count

Number of unique attendees booked (if a attendee is booked into two sessions, they are counted once)

Average Sessions per Attendee

The average number of sessions booked in the activity per attendee (total number of sessions divided by the number of attendees)

Booked Sessions Count

How many sessions have been booked in the activity

Date Booking is Created

The date the booking is created

Date Activity Begins

The date the activity starts

Date of Booked Session

The date of the booked session

Days Between Booking Creation and Activity Start

The number of days between when the booking was created and the activity starts

Days Between Booking and Session Date

The number of days between when the booking was created and the session that was booked (this will be the first session if multiple were chosen)

Bookings Made Before Activity Starts

This shows when the booking was made in relation to the activity start.

There are 6 column in this area:

  • Five or more weeks before

  • Four weeks before

  • Three weeks before

  • Two weeks before

  • One week before

  • After the activity starts

The numbers will display as a percentage in relation to the number of bookings.

Days of Week Customers Make Bookings

This shows which days of the week the bookings are made into your activity. These are shown in daily columns.

Last updated:

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