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Credit Card Setup Error Messages


  1. You attempted to submit your Stripe Application but an error message has appeared

  2. You need to update your Stripe Application and an error message has appeared

This document assumes the following:

  • You are wanting to receive credit card payments from your customers

How To Amend Your Stripe Application

Stripe may reject your credit card application for various reasons. Please see how to amend your application below. 

Error message: Please upload your proof of identity

Your application has likely been rejected for the reasons below;

  1. The proof of identity that you uploaded did not match the name outlined in the Applicant Details section. You must upload an image or scan of your passport or driver's license that matches the exact name that was outlined in your Applicant Detail Name field.

  2. The image or the scan of your driver's licence was poor image quality and illegible. Please take another photo or scan of your evidence where the details are legible.

  3. The image or the scan of your utility bill was not in colour. Please take another photo or scan of your evidence, in colour.  

Error message: Please upload your proof of address

Your application has likely been rejected for the reasons below;

  1. The utility bill that you uploaded was addressed to the organisationYou must upload a utility bill that has your personal address identified on the document. 

  2. The image or the scan of your utility bill was in poor image quality and your name, the document date or address is illegible. Please take another photo or scan of the document. 

  3. The image or the scan of your utility bill was not in colour. Please take another photo or scan of the document, in colour. 

  4. Lastly, the image or scan of your utility bill was not from a well-known company. Please take a photo or scan of a utility bill from a well-known company. eg. Spark, local Gov Dept. 

 Please contact Enrolmy Support if you are still having trouble updating your Stripe Credit Card Application. 

Last Updated:



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