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Credit/Debit Card Only Activities: Failure To Pay On Time


  1. You want to know the email workflow for when a parent fails to pay for a Credit/Debit Card only activity on time

This document assumes the following:

Credit Card Only Activities

If you are absorbing all the Stripe Credit Card fees, you can enable Paying by Credit/Debit Card, the only available payment option for your customers within each activity setup:

Sometimes parents fail to pay for their booking in two hours' time. Below is an explanation of the email workflow for the parent and the provider if this happens.

Booking confirmation workflow for credit/debit card-only activities

At the Time of Booking

1. When parents book into a Credit/debit Card only activity, the parent will immediately receive a tentative booking confirmation email:

2. The parent will immediately receive a secondary email, which will hold the invoice for their booking. The invoice will have a pay now button.

3. If they're still logged into Enrolmy at the time of booking, they can pay immediately, OR they can pay through the invoice sent to their inbox.

4. They are given two hours to pay for the booking in full.

After the Two Hours Time

Parents who don't pay within this two-hour window will receive a booking cancellation email that looks like this:

A provider will know that the booking has been cancelled by:

1. The child will be removed from the activity 

2. The child's invoice will then be voided 

 Awesome! You now understand the credit card only option within an activity!

Last Updated:

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