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Daily Attendance Report for OSCAR Base Grant (MSD)


  1. You wish to extract your attendance data from your activities

  2. You wish to select activities between a period of time

  3. You require an attendance report for MSD submission

This document assumes the following:

  • You have activities running within the specified period

  • You have the date range required

  • You have an Office Admin or Office Support

Generating An Attendance Report For MSD

Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) grant funding may be paid to a provider that has fully met the OSCAR standards for approval and operates before school, after school or school holiday programmes for 5 to 13-year-olds.

For more information, please see below:

  1. Within your Enrolmy instance, head to All Activities

  2. Select Filters → Choose Constrain by Date → select relevant reporting dates → then search. This will filter only the relevant activities that ran within the selected date range.

  3. Select all activities shown from the search → +MoreCSV Attendance Report

This will then generate an Excel spreadsheet containing the data.

It will show the following on each line:

Column Header

What it relates to


Date of the activity

Activity Name

Name of the activity


Venue name


How many children booked into the programme


How many children attended the programme

TOTAL (each session, each category)

Total invoiced for each session per category

Overall TOTALS

Total unique bookings or attendances for the day

i.e. if a child attended both Before care and Aftercare on the same day, the child is counted only once

Note: There may be dates within the report that are not relevant i.e dates prior to the range MSD require. These will need to be manually removed from the spreadsheet.

Awesome! You now know how to export an Attendance Report for MSD!

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