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Emails Going To Spam


  1. Some of the emails you send from Enrolmy are going to spam folders and you want to find out why.

This document assumes you understand the following:

  • You understand how to send emails from Enrolmy

  • You understand that Enrolmy sends automated emails to customers

Emails Going To Spam

Enrolmy's system template emails are considered to be transactional emails. They include the following types:

  • Invoices or statements

  • Booking confirmation emails

  • Invite to join

  • Enrolment form reminders

Enrolmy's content and quality assurance processes ensure that our transactional emails are not considered spam by spam filters. Due to the majority of Enrolmy emails being transactional, we hold a high non-spam score. 

What can be flagged as Spam?

Unsolicited emails or group emails that you create inside Enrolmy could easily be flagged as spam if:

  • You send too many of these types of emails

  • The content of the email is poor

  • The customer not receiving Enrolmy emails has marked an email as spam or junk in the past

How to Get Out of the Spam Folder

If customers are not receiving your emails from Enrolmy:

  1. Ask the customer to check their spam folder.

  2. Double-check the customer has not unsubscribed from receiving your emails.

  3. Use the tool to see why your emails are being flagged as spam, and edit them accordingly.

Congratulations! You now understand how to prevent your emails from going to spam.

Last updated

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