Enrolmy Definitions - Terminology
Here is a list of commonly used words with their meanings and descriptions within Enrolmy
We have worked with industry professionals to develop these common terms. They clearly articulate the actions and processes that you use every day to run your business
This document assumes you know the following:
You understand basic financial terms and processes
You have had an introduction to Enrolmy
Enrolmy Terminology | |
Attendance Reconciliation | Reconciliation is the process of ensuring that two sets of records (usually the balances of two accounts) are in agreement. Reconciliation is used to ensure that the money leaving an account matches the actual money spent, or bookings made match attendance on the day |
Activity Statement | A statement showing all account transaction and activity within a date range you select |
Active Account | Account that has been involved in an Enrolmy booking within the past 6 months |
Activity | A programme, course, camp, lesson, or any activity which you are offering individuals to book, pay and attend |
Archived Customer | When a customer is no longer intending to book again, ie moving away, or no longer needs facility you can archive their account. You may also need to Archive an account if it has been set up twice |
Action Cog | This symbol is found within Enrolmy pages, which when selected offers different options |
CSV Format | Comma Separated Values Format |
Draft Invoices | When a booking has been made an invoice will be generated and can be found in drafts. This allows you to check the information is correct or make small changes, if necessary before approving. Once approved you cannot make changes |
Incomplete Enrolment | A registration which has not been fully completed and personal details about the child/parent are missing |
New Account | This is the status of newly created customer accounts within your Enromy system for a period of time which is set by you in your settings, after the number of days chosen passes, they move to active |
Macro | A series of commands and actions that can be stored and run whenever you need to perform a task. A Macro automatically repeats the series of steps or actions. These are used in the email templates to tell the computer to pre-fill first names etc… into an email template for each customer for mail merges or bulk email sending |
Outstanding Statement | A statement that will only show what is outstanding and the activity it is for up to a certain selected date range |
Online Listing | The activity you have created and its public view to parents/ customers to see online |
Oscar Subsidy | Short for Out of School Care and Recreation Subsidy. It is a payment which helps families with the costs of before-school and after-school programmes for up to 20 hours a week, and school holiday programmes for up to 50 hours a week |
Placeholder Account | This is an account that has been added either by the customer or yourself, and the full enrolment has not been completed. An example of this would be when you quick book a parent into your system |
Pending Adjustment | This is created every time a booking has changed from its original booking and the amount has changed |
Plus Symbol | Within Enrolmy you will see plus symbols on most pages, each one will expand further options |
Prepayments | Within Enrolmy you can choose to take a percentage of an activity cost upfront leaving the balance for payment later, that amount is a prepayment |
Safety Form | This, in essence, is the enrolment form which contains information about the child and parents including medical details to assist for their care, supervision and actions in the case of an emergency |
Session Categories | This is the category type, ie: Before and After School Care, Holiday Programme, Birthday Party, Class, Camp etc |
Statement | An Activity Statement is a run down of activity from a specified date to an end date, showing all activity and costs in and out. An Outstanding statement will show all entries and any outstanding balance |
Subscription | This is the monthly plan and cost which is invoiced to you for monthly payment for the services of the use of Enrolmy Software and Support |
Sync | The coordination of events to keep them in time, or payments in relations to a Xero accounting sync, keeping both sets of records the same |
System & Default Templates | These are the automated emails that are generated by Enrolmy after certain actions are carried out, such as:
Status | The situation at a particular time during a process, within a customer account, the status of that account at that time |
Tags | These allow you a way to group and sort your customers |
Congratulations! Now you understand Enrolmy’s Terminology!
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