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FAQ's For Brevo Integration

Some common questions and answers noted below.



A booking has been imported without attributes mapped, and show up in Brevo with only basic contact information, I then mapped attributes and triggered another import, why has the contact not been updated with the mapped attributes?

The contact would have needed to book again since the last Brevo import, to be included in the import.

Why does an import status always say “In progress” until I refresh the page?

This is because the status of an import is not updated automatically in real time, it is only updated when the import history is loaded initially. If a lot of contacts are being imported, it can take a long time for the import to finish. Due to this the status can be re-checked without refreshing the page, by clicking on the refresh icon on the right-hand side of the import.

Awesome! Now you know the answers to some of our Frequently asked questions!

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