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FAQ's For Feefo Integration

Some common questions and answers noted below.



When will the Feedback Request be sent?

We use the Feefo “Feedback Date” field to schedule when the Feedback Request is sent to parents. The date used is the last day of the activity.

How many emails will be sent to each parent?

One Feefo Feedback Request email will be sent per parent per activity.

I’m seeing lots of Failed records?

This is most likely because Feefo consider duplicate records as a “Failed” upload. Every time a parent makes a booking we will send a request to Feefo. Parents that are booking multiple children into one activity are considered as duplicate records.
To confirm this, check the Enrolmy Settings → Feefo → Upload History logs to see full details.


What does it mean if I see a failed upload in my Feefo account?

A failed result may show if a duplicate record has been found. There is no need to take action here - the upload has actually been processed successfully.

Awesome! Now you know the answers to some of our Frequently asked questions!

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