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How To Activate The PDF Preview


  1. You are ready to go live with your activities and take bookings

  2. You want to know how to ensure your PDF image appears on your activity tile

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have an activity ready to take bookings

How To Upload A PDF To Activities

  1. Edit your activity and scroll to the Online Listing File Attachment section

  2. Select Upload File

    1. Files must be in a PDF format

    2. The file size max is 10MB

3. Choose your PDF file

4. Once this file uploads, select Save Progress

5. Now Preview your saved activity

6. Review the Downloads section on your activity page and see the visual of your PDF

Troubleshooting PDF Issues

a.There is no visual of my PDF on my activity tile.

If this happens, follow the steps below.

  1. Edit the activity and scroll to the Online Listing File Attachment section

  2. Select Delete to remove the existing PDF file

  3. Re-upload the PDF file and Save Progress

  4. Preview the activity and your PDF file will appear

b.My file won't upload to Enrolmy

This may happen for the following reasons;

  1. The file is not in a PDF format. You will need to change the format of the file to PDF before attempting to upload this.

  2. The file size is too large. You will need to reduce the size of the file before attempting to upload this to Enrolmy. Applications like Canva are able to do this.

Awesome! Now you know how to upload your PDF’s to activities!

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