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How To Add URL Links To Activities


  • You want to add URL links to your activities

  • You want to know how this works for your customers

This document assumes the following:

  • You have setup activities in Enrolmy

  • You are a proficient Enrolmy User

How To Add URL Links To Your Activities

To add URL links to your activity, whether you are creating an activity or editing an activity:

  1. Head to the Online Listing section within your activity

  2. Within the Description section, highlight the word you wish to add a link to

  3. Select the Link button

  4. Enter your URL link and select Insert

What Will This Look Like On The Front End

Once a link has been added to the activity, it will appear on the booking page beneath the activity details, whereby a customer can select, and it will refer to another window:

How To Remove URL Links From Your Activities

To remove a URL link that you have inserted:

  1. Head to the Online Listing section within your activity

  2. Within the Description section, select the word you wish to remove a link from

  3. Select the Break Link button

Awesome! Now you know how to add URL links to activities!

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