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How To Enable UK Subsidies


  1. You want to know how to know how to set up certain subsidy vouchers in your Enrolmy account

  2. You want to know how to allow your parents to pay by subsidy vouchers

This document assumes the following:

  • You are an OFSTED registered provider

How To Enable The Subsidy Vouchers Specific To You

You can find the UK Subsidies Settings in two areas:

  1. Account Settings

    1. Head into the big plus next to Money → Select settings and then navigate to the Subsidies Section

  2. Subsidy Tab

    1. Head into the big plus next to Money → Select subsidies and then navigate to UK subsidy Settings

Once within the UK Subsidy setting, you can enable the relevant subsidy vouchers that are applicable to your organisation:

You can request your parents to either:

  1. Pay a fixed amount upon booking

  2. Or, pay a fixed % upon booking

Please note:

For the below schemes, you will need to select the relevant provider names as well as councils:

  • Childcare or other employer schemes vouchers (VOU)

  • Holiday and Food Programme (HAF)

How To Enable Parents To Select Subsidy Vouchers Upon Booking

  1. Head into the relevant activity settings

  2. Scroll down to the subsidy Settings

  3. Enable these settings by selecting Yes

  4. Tick the relevant subsidy vouchers that apply to the activity:

Awesome! Go ahead and set up your relevant UK Subsidies!

Last Updated:

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