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How To Find Your Subscription Details


  1. You want to access your organisation invoices

  2. You want to know your Enrolmy Subscription Plan Details 

This document assumes the following:

  • You have access to your Enrolmy Account

  • You are the Account Holder

How To Find Your Subscription Details

  1. Select your business name at the top of the page.

  2. Click Your active attendees.


  1. Navigate to Settings by selecting the + on the main navigation bar

  2. In the Settings Panel, scroll down and click Billing and Account.

The Billing & Account Section includes:

My Subscription

  • Your Enrolmy plan name

  • Your Active Child number

  • Your plan's child cap number

  • Name of the organisation Account Holder

  • Your monthly subscription payment method

  • Your organisation's Credit/Debit Card update option

My Invoices

  • All of your monthly subscription invoices

    • Printable options for your monthly subscription invoices

If you have any questions regarding your subscription plan/costs and invoices, please contact the Enrolmy Team for assistance! 

 Congratulations! You now know where to find your subscription details! 

Last Updated:

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