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How To Generate An Weekly Attendance Report


  1. You want to compare the weekly number of bookings for your activity with the actual attendance in your activity

  2. You want to know how to export weekly booked and attendance data

  3. You need the data for funding audits and general reporting

This document assumes the following:

  • You are familiar with navigating around Enrolmy.

  • You have utilized Enrolmy's attendance tracking and reconciliation features throughout the term/year.

  • You are using the BASC or HP Activity Type

The Weekly Attendance Report Explained

To locate this report:

  1. Head into your BASC/HP activity and select the  Attendance tab

  2. Select the '+' more button and click 'Weekly Attendance Report'

  3. Toggle between your term dates, select which sessions are applicable then select Generate Report

  4. You can print or export it as a CSV

This report clearly articulates averages daily and weekly.

Congratulations! You now know how to generate a Weekly Attendance Report!

Last Updated:



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