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How To Grant/Revoke Parent Permissions


  1. You are the primary caregiver/billpayer of your family and you want to GRANT the second parent/caregiver in your family permissions to manage your families bookings

  2. You are the primary caregiver/billpayer of your family and you want to REVOKE  the second parent/caregiver in your family permissions to manage your families bookings

This document assumes the following:

  • You have an existing Enrolmy Account and understand how to login

  • You are the primary caregiver/billpayer of your family on Enrolmy

How To Grant Booking Management Permissions

Granting permission - will allow the second parent/caregiver in your family to book your children into activities and modify existing bookings that they already have.

  1. Log in to your Enrolmy account and head to the My Family section

  2. Select Grant Permissions

  3. A confirmation message stating that permission has now been given will appear on the screen

How to Revoke Booking Management Permissions

Revoking permission will disable the second parent/caregiver from booking/modifying any existing bookings of the children in your family.

  1. Log in to your Enrolmy account and head to the My Family section

  2. Select Revoke Permissions

  3. A confirmation message stating that permission has now been given will appear on the screen

Awesome! You now know how to change parent permissions!

 Last Updated:

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