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How To Mark A Future Booking As Absent


  1. You need to mark a future booking as absent

  2. You would like to retain the absent attendance

  3. You would like to charge for the absence

This document assumes the following:

  • You have an activity up and running

  • You have bookings in this activity

How To Mark A Future Booking Absent & Remove From Attendance

This process will remove the attendee from the attendance record completely for the day once saved.

1. Within your activity, head to the Attendance tab and select the correct date

2. Select None(will not attend) under the session dropdown

3. Save changes:

How To Mark A Future Booking Absent & Retain Attendance 

1. Inside your activity, click Attendance and select the correct date

2. Click the + next to the attendee and add a note that they will not be attending

3. Save Changes

4. When reconciling attendance, mark the attendee as absent and make the choice of whether to charge for this absence or not:

Awesome! You can now jump in and mark future bookings as absent!

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