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How To Print A Single Child Attendance


  1. You would like to know how to print a Single Child Attendance for a particular attendee for past bookings

  2. You require a printable view of capture time stamps and associated signature for MSD purposes etc

This document assumes the following:

  • You are a proficient Enrolmy User

  • You have bookings associated with activities

  • You understand how to edit a booking

How To Print A Single Child Attendance

You can print a copy of captured time stamps and associated signatures for a specific attendee by:

  1. Edit a booking of a particular attendee and select Edit in list view

  2. Adjust the date filters for the time you wish to print

  3. Select Print Single Attendance

What Data Points Are Captured

The below data points are visible on the printout:

  1. Date

  2. Attended session

  3. Category of session

  4. Sign-in time, associated name and signature

  5. Sign-out time, associated name and signature

Awesome! You now know how to use the Single Child Attendance!

Last Updated:


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