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How To Refresh The Enrolmy Sign-In Kiosk


  1. You are a parent and want to know how to refesh the Sign-In Kiosk (Tablet or Orange App)

  2. You are a provider and want to know how to update the Sign-In Kiosk regularly

  3. You are wanting to troubleshoot issues you are having with the Sign-In Kiosk

This document assumes the following:

  • You have a live activity running with attendees booked in

  • You or your Organisation has a tablet to download the Enrolmy Sign-In Kiosk

  • You tablet system settings are up to date

  • Your tablet is connected to a strong modem/internet connection


You should regularly refresh the Sign-in Kiosk lists as you utilise the app throughout your programme. 

  • Refreshing the sign-in and sign-out tabs on the Kiosk will capture any changes made on the Enrolmy for Providers Mobile App

  • You must be viewing the Sign In/Out screen on the tablet to refresh the lists. 

How To Refresh The Enrolmy Sign-In Kiosk

1. As a parent, you must have clicked into the Sign In or Sign Out list. 

2. When searching for the relevant child's name, select anywhere on the top of the screen and drag the screen downwards to refresh the sign-in/out list.

3. Continue with the sign-in/out process.

 Awesome! You can now refresh your Enrolmy Sign-in Kiosk to ensure accurate data is being portrayed!

Last Updated:

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