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How To Send Promotional Emails


  1. You want to promote next term's activities to your current database by email

  2. You want to send a booking link for an upcoming activity

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have set up next term's activities and are ready to take bookings into those activities.


How To Send Promotional Emails

Note: You can send emails from within an Activity OR from the Customers tab.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • In the Activity with the attendees you want to email, go to the Booked In tab OR

    • Go to the Customers tab

  2. Use the tick boxes to select/bulk select the attendees as required.

  3. Select +More and Invite To Book Activity

  4. Use the drop-down-field that pops up to choose if you would rather send a link to all of next terms activity listings OR choose a specific activity to promote.

  5. Select Continue

  6. Check all the email details;

    • Define who you want to send emails as

    • Select a personal email template if applicable

    • Edit the email subject

  7. Select Send to Queue to complete the process.

  8. A confirmation message will appear on your screen. 

  9. You can check the status of the email in the Communication tab.


Awesome! You now know how to send promotional emails!

 Last Updated:



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