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Xero Overpayments In Enrolmy


  1. You want to know how Xero Overpayments displays inside Enrolmy

  2. You want to know if Overpayments are visible to parents

  3. You want to understand how Enrolmy manages overpayments

This document assumes the following:

Xero Overpayments and Enrolmy Capabilities

It is possible for Overpayments to be applied against an Enrolmy-generated invoice inside Xero, and display inside Enrolmy. However, if an Overpayment exists inside Xero and it is not applied against an Enrolmy generated invoice, then Enrolmy will not display the Overpayment within our Money Tab.

Overpayments Display

The overpayments that are applied against Enrolmy-generated invoices will display inside Enrolmy on;

  • Activity Statements

  • Outstanding Statements

  • Invoices, where an overpayment has been applied inside Xero.

 Great! You now understand how Overpayments display in Enrolmy!

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