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Inviting Attendees From A Concluded Activity To A Future Activity


  1. You want to invite your attendees from a concluded activity to a future activity

  2. You are wanting to “roll over” bookings for certain attendees

  3. You want to understand the different ways to invite your customers to book activities with you.

This document assumes the following:

  • You have a concluded activity

  • You have a future activity set up

  • You are taking bookings for your new activities.

Invite To Book Options

Invite Attendees to a Future Activity

Some providers like to “roll over” their term bookings or may have attendees that they know will want to be booked into future activities.

This can be done by following the below steps:

  1. Head to your Concluded Activities tab:

  1. Select the relevant activity and head to the All Attendees tab:

  1. Select the relevant attendees you wish to invite, choose +More then select Invite to Book Activity:

  1. You can then choose which activity to invite the attendees to:

  1. You can also choose to send one invite per family or one invite per attendee:

  1. Once you have selected options, click Continue. This will take you to the Invite to Book email for you to send:

Awesome! You now know how to invite attendees from a concluded activity to a future activity!

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