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How To Manually Create An Invoice


  1. You want to create a new invoice manually

This document assumes the following:

  • You have set up your activity on Enrolmy

How To Manually Create An Invoice

  1. Navigate to the Money tab

  2. Select New Invoice

3. Please see below the information that you can enter into a manually created invoice:





For (Student)

Name of student the invoice is for

For (Bill payer)

Name of Bill Payer the invoice is for

Activity Name

You can link an activity to ensure accurate tracking

If no activity is linked, then it will remain as “Not linked to an activity“.

Invoice Term

Term for when the invoice is applicable

Bill Payer Address

This will appear automatically once a bill payer has been selected


A mention or refer to

Invoice Period From/To

Period the invoice is for

Invoice Date

The date the invoice is created

Payment Terms

Expectation of when the invoice should be paid by

Due Date

When the invoice is due

Tax Rate

The % of tax

Invoice Items

Category/ Item/ Description

Categorisation of the line item


Cost associated

You can enter a negative amount in order to reference a discount of some sort


Quantity / how many


Associate with an account for tracking purposes

Tax Rate

The % of tax


Total cost of line item (multiplied by Qty if more than 1)


Delete the line item if created in error

Add an Item

Add another line item


Additional area for further explanation

4. Lastly, you can either:

  • Create New Draft Invoice → will be saved as a draft where further editing can be completed

  • Create and Approve New Invoice → will be approved straight away, and no further changes can be made

Congratulations! You now understand how to create an invoice manually!

Last Updated:

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