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Invoicing Summary Report


  1. You would like to understand how the Invoicing Summary Report works

This document assumes the following:

  • You have an Office Admin/Support user-level access on your Enrolmy instance.

  • You have run/are running activities for at least one of your Enrolmy instances.

What is the Invoicing Summary Report?

This report provides a quick summary on invoices created per activity, venue, or organisation (for Enterprise customers only). Only approved invoices are included, and is grouped based on the created date.

In this report, you will see information on:

  • Activity Name

  • Number of invoices

  • Number of credit notes

  • Days to fully paid

  • Paid invoices

  • Overdue invoices

  • Invoiced - Overall, Paid, Outstanding

  • Credited - Overall, Paid, Outstanding

  • Overall - Overall, Paid, Outstanding

A partially paid invoice is included in both Paid and Outstanding columns.

Accessing the Invoicing Summary Report

To access the report:

  1. Log in to your Enrolmy Account

  2. Head over to the Insights tab and select Invoicing Summary

  3. Use the filters as needed

  4. Click Search

Awesome! You now understand the new Invoicing Summary Report!

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