Customer Notes in Enrolmy
You would like to know where notes can be added to a customers profile
This document assumes the following:
You have current customers for your organisation
You are a proficient Enrolmy user
Guardian’s And Child’s Profile
Please head to the respective Guardian’s or Child’s profile and select Add Note:

You can add your notes into the text box and will be able to attach files (maximum of 10MB) to the note. Please note that you will be able to attach only pdf documents and images (for example, PNG and JPEG):

You will be able to find all historical notes and modify existing ones in the Notes tab:

Attendance Notes
Please refer to this help guide to learn How To Add Attendance Notes.
Please note that you are not able to print a hard copy of any notes described in this help guide.
Congratulations! You now understand where to create and view notes in Enrolmy!
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