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Overview of UK Subsidy Reconciliation in Enrolmy


  1. You would like to understand how Subsidy Reconciliation occurs

This document assumes the following:

  • You are a new Enrolmy user

  • You are an OFSTED Registered Provider

Subsidy Reconciliation In Enrolmy

Subsidy payments are received by:

  • An individual payment for a child

  • Or as a bulk payment (for many children) from a subsidy provider

Ultimately, these payments must be identified and allocated to the appropriate invoice for every child.

The subsidy reconciliation process in Enrolmy enables you to import a bank statement containing individual or bulk payments, identify who those payments are for, and allocate them to invoices (in the form of subsidy credit notes).

Subsidy Payment Process Overview

Awesome! You now have an overview of the UK subsidy process.

Last Updated:


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