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Restricting Booking Modifications For WINZ OSCAR Customers


  1. You are wanting to restrict booking modifications for your WINZ OSCAR customers

This document assumes the following:

  • You are setting up or currently have a live activity that is ready to take bookings

  • There are WINZ OSCAR Subsidies available for your activity

  • You are using the Enrolmy Subsidy Reconciliation Process

How to Set Up Booking Modifications for WINZ OSCAR Customers

You can restrict booking modifications made by WINZ OSCAR customers during your activity setup or while the activity is running. To curtail the modifications made by WINZ OSCAR customers, you will need to:

  1. Head into your current activity and select edit

  2. Head to the Booking Settings

  3. Select Modify Existing Bookings

  4. Head to the section If a customer has applied for or receiving OSCAR Subsidies

There are three settings that can be selected:

  1. Modify bookings in any way → Booking modifications will align with the general booking settings that have been selected

  2. Only add new sessions to their bookings → WINZ OSCAR customers can only add a new session and not remove any

  3. Not modify their booking in any way → WINZ OSCAR customers will not be able to change their booking in any way once the booking has been made

The above rules will only come into play once an initial booking has been made by the parent!

Triggers that allow these rules to come into play

  1. The parent selects that they will be applying for an OSCAR Subsidy from WINZ during the booking process

  2. The provider selects that the parent is applying for a WINZ OSCAR subsidy upon adding/editing the booking

  3. WINZ OSCAR subsidy amount is allocated during the Subsidy Reconciliation Process

What the WINZ OSCAR Customer will see during the Booking Process based on your restrictions

Based on the setting you have selected to restrict WINZ OSCAR customers, the front-end view will differ:

  1. Modify bookings in any way → This will appear as usual in accordance with your general booking settings

  2. Only add new sessions to their bookings → current bookings cannot be de-selected

  3. Not modify their booking in any way → A pop-up will appear advising the booking cannot be modified


Awesome! You now know how to restrict WINZ OSCAR customers from modifying their bookings!

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