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Staff Rostering Terminology


  1. Here is a list of commonly used words with their meanings and descriptions within Enrolmy Staff Rostering.

  2. We have worked with industry professionals to develop these common terms.  They clearly articulate the actions and processes that you use every day to run your business.

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have had an introduction to Enrolmy’s Staff Rostering

Staff Rostering Terminology


The name of the specific service you offer at your site, take bookings for and administer through Enrolmy.


This is the staff-to-child ratio. This identifies the allowed number of children per staff member.


A person who works for your organisation and has registered on Enrolmy.


A tag is a label that can be associated with a person, a shift or an activity. This may include the position, a region, a skill or a custom-made tag.


A defined period of time on a given day.

Roster Template

A set of saved shifts that can be applied across the full duration of an activity.

Roster Health

An indicator that visualizes the coverage of the roster to determine ratio compliance.

Optimal → A status that indicates that the number of attendees is near it's ratio limit.

Critical → A warning that indicates the number of attendees have surpassed the ratio limit and require attention in order to be ratio compliant.

Over-staffed → A warning that indicates there is an excess of scheduled staff within the roster that exceeds the activity needs.

Acceptable → Anything else out of the parameters above is seen as acceptable.

These are based on the settings you placed within Coverage thresholds.

Roster Status

An indicator for the roster’s current standing and whether if the roster has been published or not.

Congratulations! Now you understand Enrolmy’s Staff Rostering Terminology!

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