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UK Subsidy Booking Modifications Explained


  1. You want to know what happens when a parent modifies a booking

This document assumes the following:

  • You are using the UK subsidy Voucher System within Enrolmy

  • You have enabled this for your parents to utilise

UK Subsidy Booking Modifications Explained



NOT receiving subsidies

If a parent has selected that they are NOT receiving subsidies in the initial booking then when they edit their booking, they MUST pay by credit card immediately or else their booking will be cancelled.

Receiving subsidies

If a parent has selected that they are receiving subsidies in the initial booking, then when they edit their booking, they will be asked to pay a minimum amount, this could be a fixed amount like £5 or a percentage of my their booking like 10% (dependent on what has initially been set).

Awesome! You now understand a little bit more about the expectations around booking modifications.

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