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Adding Days To An Activity


  1. You have an existing activity where there are existing bookings

  2. You need to add days to your activity

This document assumes the following:

  • You know how to edit an activity

  • You know how to add attendees to an activity and to the day or days of that activity

You have the ability to

  1. Add extra days to, or

  2. Remove days from your activities after bookings have been taken on that activity. 

Important note:

  • Your customers will not be automatically booked into these Extra Days

  • Please encourage your parents to modify their bookings

How To Add Days To Your Activity

  1. Navigate to the activity which you need to edit

  2. Click Edit Activity

  3. Go to the Day Confirmation section.

  4. At the bottom, in the Insert Extra Day section, click the Select Day box. Choose the date you wish to add.

  5. Click Add Additional Day.

  6. Save your new settings.

Awesome! You now know how to add days to your activities.

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