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Approved Banks with Stripe & Enrolmy


  1. You have an active Stripe Connect account through Enrolmy

  2. You want to know which bank cards Stripe & Enrolmy accept when parents pay for activities

This document assumes you know the following:

Parent Credit/Debit Card Payments

The Enrolmy & Stripe partnership enables your customers in Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom to use the following:

  • Mastercard credit/debit card

  • Visa credit/debit card

  • American Express credit card

  • JCB credit/debit card

Overseas Currencies

It is possible for prospects and customers overseas to book and pay for your activities. However, your prospect/customer payment currency will relate to the origin country where you (the provider) pay GST/tax. 

If you have any further questions about your parents credit/debit card payments then please reach out to our customer support team with your query.

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