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BASC Booking Setting Explained


  1. You are operating a Before and After School Care

  2. You want to understand how the booking settings works

  3. You want to look into how the booking settings impacts making changes to current bookings

This document assumes the following:

  • You run before & after school programme/s

  • You know how your own business policies impacts customer booking settings

The booking setting descriptions below will help you understand how the settings work and provide insight into which setting combinations you may want to use.

Booking Settings

Closing bookings

Bookings can no longer be made after the chosen closure time.

If a customer wishes to make a booking after the chosen time, they will need to contact you directly.


Place bookings on a waitlist once your maximum number of attendees has been reached.

Your attendee limit can be setup or adjusted when creating your session times and costs.

Safety Form

Ensure attendees complete the safety form prior to attending your programmes.

Advanced Settings

Booking Mode

Enrolmy accepts two types of bookings in the Before and Afterschool Care Activity Type.

  • Recurring Bookings: Also referred to as Regular Booking, are customers who book into the activity on a regular rhythm.

  • Casual Bookings: Also referred to as a Full Booking, are customers who book into the programme sporadically.

Choose to accept Casual and/or Recurring bookings.

  • Allow Recurring Bookings only → two calendars are visible to your customers.

  • Allow Casual Bookings only → only one calendar is visible to your customers.

Making Recurring Bookings

Control the time period in which your customers can make Regular Bookings:

  • Can choose any start date and any end date: Customers can choose what date they want their Recurring Booking to start and end. The dates must occur within the running period of the activity.

  • Must always book a full term but can choose the start date: Customers can choose what date they want their Recurring Booking to start, but they must book into the rest of the term.

  • Must always book a full term: Customers must book into the full term and cannot choose their start or end date. This will default to the start date and end date of the activity and cannot be edited.

Creating New Booking Settings

Control when new Recurring/Regular Bookings can be made:

  • At any time for the entire duration of the activity: Allows customers to create bookings at any time during the activity period.

  • Until x weeks after the activity beings: Selecting a period after the activity begins removes the Recurring/Regular Calendar altogether once you have reached that time within the activity itself. The Casual/Full Booking calendar will only be available from this point onwards.

Modifying Existing Bookings Settings

If you have certain parameters that customers need to adhere to when modifying current bookings, then switch on the option to prevent customers from editing their existing booking within a specific period.

When using the Recurring / Regular Booking Calendar, customers can:

  • Remove or add recurring sessions at any time: Customers can modify own their bookings at any time.

  • Only add new recurring sessions: A customer can add recurring sessions to their existing bookings.

  • Make no additions or changes in any way: A customer cannot add or remove sessions from their existing bookings.

When using the Casual/Full Booking Calendar, customers are restricted from modifying existing bookings:

  • For a rolling period of x days: Customers cannot remove any bookings for x amount of days.

    • SCENARIO EXAMPLE A rolling period of two days has been selected. A customer makes a booking on a Monday, they cannot remove any bookings until the Wednesday.

  • Until the end of each term: Customers cannot remove any current bookings but can still add new ones until the end of the term.

  • At all times: A customers booking cannot be changed in any way.

  • And this takes effect x week before the activity starts:

    • SCENARIO EXAMPLE A rolling period of two days has been selected. A customer makes a booking on a Monday, two weeks before the Before and Afterschool Care Activity begins. This setting takes effect one week before the activity starts, the customer will be able to remove bookings on the Wednesday of the week before the activity begins.

  • And this takes effect immediately: The customers modification restriction setting will apply as soon as they make their initial booking.

    • SCENARIO EXAMPLE A rolling period of two days has been selected. A customer makes a booking on a Monday. The customer will be able to remove bookings on the Wednesday.

  • And this takes effect from the activity start date onwards, even if the activity has not yet started: The customers modification restriction setting will apply from the start date of the activity.

When not restricted by the conditions above, a booking on the recurring booking on the Full/Casual Booking calendar can be:

  • Removed → this means that any recurring sessions can be removed while on the Full/Casual calendar itself

  • Make no changes → while on the Full/Casual calendar, recurring sessions cannot be removed at all. The customer will need to head back into the recurring calendar to make changes if not restricted

OSCAR Subsidies

If a customer has applied for, or is receiving OSCAR subsidies, you can restrict their booking movements by:

  • Allowing modifications to occur.

  • Only add new bookings.

  • Make no changes in any way → customers will need to contact you for assistance.

 Awesome! You now understand a bit more about BASC Booking Settings!

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