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Blacklisting: What Parents See While Booking or Changing Existing Booking


  1. You are a provider and you want to know what parents see while booking or amending existing bookings if Blacklisted

This document assumes you know the following:

Unpaid Invoices

The Blacklisted customer in this category will not be able to book or amend existing bookings until all outstanding invoices are paid.

The parent will be returned to the below view every time they attempt to make a booking or changes to the existing booking:

The parent can Pay all invoices now by credit card, which will lead them to all the outstanding invoices that relate to you as a provider:

 If Pay for all items is selected, the parent will be directed to Payment Checkout

Banned Customers

The Blacklisted customer in the Banned category will not be able to book or amend existing bookings.

The parent will be returned to the below view whenever they attempt to make a booking or change the existing booking. This message is deliberately vague and innocuous not to aggravate or alienate the banned customer:

Congratulations! You now know what parents see while booking or changing existing booking! 

Last Updated:

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