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Child Information View in Sign In/Out Tab


  1. You want to display the name of the child's booked session and time under the child's name in the sign-in/ out view  

  2. Or you want to display the school name and room number under the child's name in the sign-in/out view

  3. Or you want to display the school year and classroom under the child's name in the sign-in/out view

This document assumes the following:

  • You have children booked into activities

  • You are using the Enrolmy for Providers Mobile App to review sign-in/out times

When utilising the Enrolmy for Providers Mobile App, Sign-In/Out tab, you may want to view attendee details as:

You can choose two of these views, which will display for you when signing children in and out of the Enrolmy for Providers Mobile App.

 How To Choose Your Information View

1. Jump into your Settings and scroll down to Advanced Org

2. Scroll down to the Mobile App section 

3. Select one of the two options in the box to display in the mobile app 

4. Make sure to save the changes 

 The child's booked session and age option will display like this:

Last Updated:

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