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Credit Card Facilitator (Stripe) FAQ's


  1. You are taking credit/debit card payments on Enrolmy through Stripe

This document assumes the following:

  • You know how to navigate around the Credit Card section of Enrolmy

  • You understand how the basic transaction fees are calculated

  • You are a Stripe-connected user

FAQ’s for Credit/Debit Card Payments, Payout’s and Management




What is the credit/debit card fee for my region/country?


Check out these help guides for the credit/debit card fees for

What are the Stripe fees for the Singapore region?


Stripe (credit/debit card payment method) is not currently set up for Singapore-based Enrolmy activity providers.

Why is there a delay in my payout?


Around public holidays you can expect to either receive Stripe payouts later then usual by a few days, due to bank processing times being delayed too.

Have any more questions? Contact our customer support team.

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