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Credit Visibility Within Parent Portal


  1. You want to find out how to activate the Credit Balance feature

  2. You want customers to be able to see how much credit they have with you

This document assumes the following:

  • You have credit notes within your Money tab

How To Enable Credit Balance Display In Parent Portal

  1. Head into account settings by selecting the big plus ( + ) next to the money tab

  2. Select Settings

  3. Head into Invoice Settings

  4. Enable the display of Credit Balance to customers

What Customers Will See In Their Parent Portal

The credit visibility is only available within the cart in the parent portal. If the Credit Balance setting is enabled and the customer has outstanding credits, then the message below will be displayed:

Please see here to allow parents to allocate their own outstanding credit.

Great! You now know how to enable credit visibility for your customers!

Last updated:

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