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Feature Coming Soon ~ Website Transformation

πŸš€ Take a sneak peek at our first ever website transformation πŸš€

We recently launched a highly requested service and have been demo-ing this with a few select customers. We’re excited to showcase one of the recent Website Builder projects that the team have completed with a kids activity provider based in the United Kingdom.



Epic New Changes

πŸ₯³ Modern site browsing experience for users with clear navigation, calls to action and engaging ways to read long-form copy.

πŸ₯³ A clearer and more interesting way to visually describe activity offerings, convincing users to click through and make bookings.

πŸ₯³ A thoughtful use of new branding and colours that keeps the website tied together.

The feeling this provider felt when they saw their website update was, β€œRelief that it is finally done and something that I’m proud of!”

If you’re interested in finding out more about how the website builder works then reach out too

Last Updated:

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