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How Do I Get Support from Enrolmy?


  1. You want to know how to access the Enrolmy Help Guides

  2. You want to contact the Enrolmy Support team with a question or issue

  3. You want to book a training session with our Customer Support Team

This document assumes the following:

How to get Support from Enrolmy

Lodge a Support Ticket

  1. Access the Enrolmy Help Centre here: or by selecting the Question mark within your Enrolmy account:

  2. In the bottom right-hand corner, select “contact us”:

  3. Fill in as much information as you can on the ticket sheet - this makes the process of solving your query much more efficient.

  4. Submit your ticket, and our Helpdesk staff will contact you as soon as they can! 

Request a Training Session

  1. Access the Enrolmy Help Centre here: or by selecting the Question mark within your Enrolmy account.

  2. In the bottom right-hand corner, select “contact us”:

  3. Complete the information required in the ticket advising of a training session needed.

  4. Submit your ticket, and our Helpdesk staff will contact you as soon as they can! 

Search the Knowledge-base

  1. Access the Enrolmy Help Centre here or by selecting the Question mark within your Enrolmy account.

  2. Use the search bar to type in a keyword related to your query

  3. This will bring up any article relating to your search


Awesome! Now you know the best ways to get help from Enrolmy!

 Last Updated:

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