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How Parents Can Contact You Directly


  1. You are a parent and you need to contact your activity provider directly for booking modification, invoice or enrolment form enquiries

This document assumes the following:

You can provide the below steps directly to a parent to guide them on how to contact you directly.

Some Enrolmy inquiries must be handled by your activity provider directly, rather than Enrolmy Support. See the following inquiry types that you should contact your activity provider about:

  • Payment or invoice inquiries

  • Booking modification questions

  • Booking cancellation questions

  • Enrolment form questions

  • Activity specific questions

How To Find Your Activity Provider Contact Details

1. Head to and select Book An Activity

2. Select the I'm looking for An Activity Provider

3. Type in your activity providers business name and select Search

4. Choose to See Details on your activity provider's information tile as it appears

5. Select Click for email or Click for the phone to view your activity provider's contact details

Awesome! You now know how to contact your provider directly!

Last Updated:

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