How Subscription Active Attendee Numbers are Calculated
You want to understand how your subscription works
You want to know what Active Attendee means
You want to find your Active Attendee number
This document assumes the following:
You have an Enrolmy Account
You know how to log into your Enrolmy Account
What is an Active Attendee?
An Active Attendee is a customer who has made at least one booking into one of your programmes within the last six months.
How This Affects Your Enrolmy Subscription
Your subscription will allow a certain number of Active Attendees. If this number is exceeded, you may need to upgrade your Enrolmy Subscription Plan.
How To Find Your Active Attendee Number
Click your organisation name.
Your Active Attendee detail will display. Here you can see:
Your subscription Active Attendee cap
Your current Active Attendee number
If your Active Attendee cap is oversubscribed and by what percentage
For more details, click your Active Attendee number.

Awesome! You now understand how your Active Attendee number affects your subscription plan!
Last Updated: