You have some duplicate customer profiles and you want to know the best way to handle these
This document assumes the following:
You have Active attendee accounts
You know your way around the Customer Tab
You understand how your customers have bookings
How Enrolmy Handles Duplicate Accounts
Enrolmy follows specific rules to reduce duplicate accounts:
Placeholder accounts
Suppose a provider has created placeholder accounts and the customer is brand new, all placeholders will become active accounts.
Suppose a provider has created a placeholder account and the customer has an existing active account that matches the name. In that case, the placeholder account will be replaced with the active account.
Suppose a provider has created a placeholder account and the customer has an existing active account that can not be matched by name. In that case, the user will get a popup message asking them if the placeholder account is for an existing child or if it is for a new child:
If a parent is making a booking and they enter the name of an existing child then a popup will appear that asks them “Are you making a booking for [child’s name]? YES / NO”
On the booking form, if a parent has already created dupliate accounts, Enrolmy will only display one copy of each child's name where possible. Enrolmy follows a series of rules to decide which is the best account to pick as the one to display.
How The Provider Can Handle Duplicate Accounts
There are two actions that you can take depending on the status of the accounts in question:
Archive Accounts
If all statuses of the accounts in question are active, then you will need to archive the duplicate accounts. Please see here how to archive accounts.
Merge Accounts
If the status of one account is a placeholder and the other is active, you can merge the accounts. Please see here how to do this.
Awesome! You now know how to manage duplicate customer accounts.
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