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How to Edit A Credit Note


  1. You have created a credit note and you want to edit it

This document assumes the following:

  • You know how to create credit note manually

  • You understand what restrictions you may encounter while editing a credit note

  • You understand the implication if connected to Xero

How To Edit A Draft/Approved Credit Note

  1. Navigate to the Money tab, and click Credit Notes

  2. Select Draft, open the credit note and select Edit

An approved credit note that has been applied, cannot be altered at any stage.

Editing Restrictions Of A Draft Credit Note Versus A Approved Credit Note



Draft Credit Note

Approved Credit Note


For (Student)



For (Bill payer)



Activity Name



Credit Note Term



Bill Payer Address

Will be automatically updated with the change in bill payer if necessary




Credit Note Period From/To



Credit Note Date



Tax Rate



Invoice Items

Catergory/ Item/ Description












Tax Rate









Add an Item






*Credit line items that were manually created can be edited and deleted regularly in draft status. However, credit line items that were automatically generated through adjustment items have some editing restrictions.

The Category and Item cannot be edited.

*If by any chance, you are wanting to edit a line item that you cannot, then best practice is to delete the line item.

Awesome! You now know how to edit credit notes in Enrolmy.

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