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How to Export Finalised Timesheet


  1. You wish to import the Enrolmy Timesheet into your payroll system

This document assumes the following:

  • You have utilised the roster feature for the relevant period

  • You have finalised the Enrolmy timesheets for the relevant period

Exporting Finalised Timesheets

Once your timesheets have been finalised in Enrolmy, you have the ability to export the timesheet (in CSV or PDF) to upload into your payroll system. Review the reconciliation process here.

You have two options for payroll export:

  • Export selected dates

  • Export current pay period - this is determined by the pay period set out in the timesheet settings.


CSV Export

This is how the CSV timesheet export will appear:


PDF Export

This is how the PDF timesheet export will appear:


Awesome! You now know how to export the Enrolmy Timesheets!

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