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Time Sheet Reconciliation Process


  1. You want to learn how to reconcile your daily timesheets within the Roster.

Reconciliation Overview Video

How to access your daily timesheet reports

  1. Select Reconciliation within the Roster Menu

  2. Click on Unreconciled Reconciliation

  3. Find the activity you want to roster using the page finder

  4. Select the Action Cog and then Reconcile

How to access a specific time sheet to reconcile

By default, the start date of the activity will automatically display when this activity’s timesheets are open.

  1. Use the calendar dates to quickly find the rostered week you are looking to reconcile.

  2. Select the Action Cog to reconcile Incomplete timesheets.

Best Practice

We recommend to only reconcile timesheets where the Day has completed.

Timesheet reconciliation process

Ensure you have read and to understand all the features and capabilities available to you prior to reconciling.

  1. Check that the day has completed

  2. Review the clock in and clocked out times of the staff member for this shift.

  3. Change the Paid By drop-down option to your chosen method of approval.

Note that the time sheet will automatically be set to the Paid by - Scheduled Hours option.

  1. Use the Unpaid Breaks drop-down menu to select your break period.

  2. Repeat steps 1-4 for every shift.

  3. Select Save if you reconcile time sheets daily, or Save and Finalise if you reconcile time sheets weekly/fortnightly. Saving will allow you to re-visit this time sheet and make changes.

Last updated

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