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How To Handle Active Kids And Creative Kids Vouchers In Enrolmy


  1. You are an Active Kids or Creative Kids Activity Provider that runs out of NSW Australia 

  2. You have an activity ready to take bookings 

  3. You want to utilise Enrolmy's Active Kids or Creative Kids Voucher feature

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have an account already with the NSW Portal 

Please note that the Active Kids or Creative Kids Voucher can be used for all activity types however there are some conditions:

  1. The activity must run for at least 8 weeks

  2. Cannot be used alongside an activity that utilizes free trials

  3. Invoices must be generated in advance and once for the whole activity  

How To Set Up The Active Kids And Creative Kids Voucher Feature In Your Account 

In order to Enable the voucher feature in your Enrolmy Organisation account, you will need to contact Enrolmy Support to request to have this added to your subscription and enabled inside your account.

  • The voucher feature is an additional $20 a month on top of your monthly subscription.

How To Set Up The Active Kids And Creative Kids Voucher Feature In Your Activity

1. Click Edit Activity in your activity

2. Turn on the Active Kids and Creative Kids Voucher feature 

You will need to switch this on in all of your activities this voucher can be applied.  

Where To Find The Vouchers

  1. Click the '+' tab and select Active Kids and Creative Kids Vouchers

  2. Here you can toggle between the following:

    1. All Vouchers

    2. Pending

    3. Confirmed

    4. Rejected

    5. Unapplied

Confirming A Voucher 

  1. Copy the voucher code and other relevant information using the blue clipboard into the NSW portal, if the voucher has been successfully submitted:

2. In Enrolmy select the tickbox and click Mark as confirmed

3. Click on the Money Tab and Email the outstanding amount left on the invoice, or email the customer to confirm they have been accepted into the programme.

Rejecting A Voucher

  1. Copy the voucher code and other relevant information using the blue clipboard into the NSW portal, if the voucher has been rejected then:

2. In Enrolmy, select the tickbox, and click Mark as rejected. Enrolmy will automatically unapply the Credit Note from the invoice.

3. Click on the Money tab and Email the customer to inform them that the Credit has been rejected and email the full invoice.

Great! You can now handle activity vouchers on Enrolmy!  

Last Updated:

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